• A scheduler is a program that decides which process should be executed next

  • The Golang Scheduler is used to schedule go routines to the kernel-space threads

  • Scheduler is responsible for adding and removing go routines from a run queue

  • The priority of the run queue is FIFO


  • Pre-emption is the ability of a scheduler to pre-empt (stop) a goroutine running for more than 10ms and execute another goroutine

  • Pre-empted goroutines are added to the global run queue (also a FIFO queue)

  • When a kernel thread is blocked by a system call, the goroutines will go to another thread


  • A mutex is a lock that is used to synchronise access to a shared resource
    • The run queue acts as a shared resource
  • A mutex ensures that only one kernel thread can access the run queue at a time
  • If a thread’s run queue is full, then the goroutine will be added to the global run queue

Work Stealing

  • Work stealing is a technique that is used to balance the load between the processor’s kernel threads
  • If a processor is idle, it will steal work from another processor or the global run queue, or the network poller

