- Measures how runtime scales with input size
- Important to note that
notation is not everything- Its important to consider how algorithms work in the memory/rest of the system
Constant runtime
Accessing an array by index
Access a hash table
O( log(n) )
Logarithmic time
Runtime increases slowly as input grows
Binary search on sorted array
performing operations on a balanced binary tree
Linear time
Runtime grows with input as each element is touched once
Finding minimax elements in an unsorted array
Checking if an element exists in an unsorted array
Linearithmic time
Runtime of most efficient sorting algorithms (merge sort, quick sort, heap sort)
Quadratic runtime
Bubble sort
Nested loops
Cubic runtime
Naïve matrix multiplication
Triple nested loops
Exponential runtime
Recursive algorithms
Factorial runtime
Permutation-generation problems
- Very inefficient for trivial input size
Array Access
- Although accessing a 2D array is O(n)
- Accessing by rows is faster than accessing by columns!
- Reading row-wise maximises sequential access
- More cache friendly
Linked list us Array
- Both are linear time
- Accessing an array is faster
- Array elements are closer together
- Linked-list nodes are often scattered in memory